I’m sure many of you are wondering what’s happening as far as getting the finished novel done and delivered into your eager hands. Well, I’m working on it.
I had two other books under contract, which took priority. One of those, The Summer Palace, has now been completed, delivered, and accepted and will be published in 2008. The other, a non-fiction project, is written, but it still needs some updating — but for technical reasons I can’t do that updating until September.
Which means I’m midway through the second draft of The Vondish Ambassador. I should have it done in a couple of weeks, whereupon I will send it to my chosen editor and negotiate a contract with Wildside Press. (Yes, I’m using my own editor, as well as theirs.)
I’m sorry it’s taken so long.
Incidentally, there have been a few latecomers donating money toward The Vondish Ambassador, as recently as this past Saturday. I’ll probably send them copies of the finished book, but if you give me money at this point there is no guarantee you’ll get anything for it. All further donations are entirely at your own risk.
And donations directed to The Spriggan Mirror at this point receive nothing but a thank-you e-mail and my sincere gratitude.
In other Ethshar news, The Spriggan Mirror is still available in trade paperback and e-book editions, and the limited hardcover edition wasn’t yet sold out last I checked. The rack-sized paperback from Cosmos Books is scheduled for September.
The new Cosmos Books paperback of The Misenchanted Sword is scheduled for January 2008. No dates yet on any other Ethshar books.
The next Ethshar serial — and I may do a non-Ethshar one first — will probably be The Final Calling, just to get it over with. I’ve recently worked out a lot of plot details on it. I have no idea at all when I’ll get to it, though.
Thanks again for all your support!
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