Originally posted to my newsgroup on SFF Net, June 23, 2012:
Progress report:
Last time looked at: 6/22/12
Last actual wordage added: 6/22/12
Pages added, 6/22/12: 9
Current page count: 10
Estimated final page count, first draft: 10-15
Deadline: None.
Comments: I think I mentioned coming up with a story idea a couple of weeks ago — well, May 20, apparently, looking at the date on the file. Anyway, I had an outline, but hadn’t actually written any of it.
Tonight I wrote most of it. Almost all of it, actually, but the ending’s not there yet.
This is the short story version of the original idea; there are multiple variants and spin-offs plotted, as well, but I don’t know whether I’ll write any of them.
Anne’s finished her story, but Kimma isn’t satisfied with the ending, and it still needs a wrap-up on the meta-level, as well.
Word-count is 2,640
I never did come up with a really satisfactory ending, so this never went any further and is still sitting on my hard drive unfinished. Maybe someday.
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