A few quick notes:
“Harry’s Toaster” is in the first issue of the revived Amazing; I believe it’s just out, but I haven’t yet seen a copy.
“An Interrupted Betrothal” was delivered to Lace and Blade Vol. 5, accepted, and paid for, and I’ve corrected the proofs. It’ll be out on Valentine’s Day, 2019.
I sold “How I Found Harry’s All-Night Hamburgers” to Asimov’s; proofs have come and gone, and it’ll be in the March/April 2019 issue.
I have delivered a short story called “Valedictory” (title still subject to change) to an anthology called Release the Virgins. They haven’t read it yet.
I have not done any novel-writing in months until today. We were getting our house ready to sell, which meant clearing up nine years of accumulated clutter, selling off surplus furniture, putting half my library in storage, etc. That did not leave much writing time. The house hasn’t sold yet.
I did finally get back to work on Tom Derringer and the Steam-Powered Saurians today, as explained in the previous post.
That’s about it.
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