Chapter Nine has been posted. Finally. Got a donation today that put me over the top.
Chapter Ten is written and has been distributed to those donors who signed up to receive chapters as soon as they’re written.
Chapter Eleven is less than half written, unfortunately. I’ve been busy with other matters, such as page proofs, copy edits, and delivering a new novel to Tor, and also with preparations for relocating — we’re selling our house here and buying one closer to where my wife works. We have a buyer and we’ve found a house we want, so if all goes well we expect to move in early June. Which is exciting and wonderful and very, very time-consuming.
I do intend to complete Realms of Light whether the money comes in for the web serial or not, but unless the cash flow takes a huge jump, it’ll probably be a very slow process.
Thanks to all of you who have supported this project.
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