The Books Have Been Ordered

I placed the print order for 400 copies of The Vondish Ambassador this morning. Got the proof copy yesterday, and found it good.

This book is about the same format as the six Wildside Press reprints in the Ethshar series; I’m afraid it doesn’t match The Spriggan Mirror.

Anyway, the books should be here in mid-January. Sorry it couldn’t be in time for Christmas.

Department of Lost Souls

Half a dozen of the address-verification e-mails bounced, and I don’t have alternate addresses.

I don’t want to post full names here, to respect donors’ privacy, but I’m looking for:

Steve S.

Stephen G.

Matt W.

Emmeline S.

Shawn R.

Peter R.-S.

If one of those is you, please e-mail me at


Note to Donors

If you contributed $25 or more to The Vondish Ambassador, you should have received an e-mail from me today, asking you to verify your address and a couple of other details.

If you didn’t, these are the most likely explanations:

It got caught in your spam filters; you might want to check that and see if it’s in the junk folder, assuming you have one. If it’s gone forever, drop me a line and I’ll send a fresh copy with your name in the “To:” line, which usually gets it past filters.

You made partial payments from two different e-mail addresses, and I failed to notice and add them together. If that’s the case, please e-mail me and let me know.

You made multiple payments and I screwed up and didn’t record one of them.

You’re one of the two people (hi, Josh and Richard!) who paid by check and never, so far as I can determine, gave me an e-mail address. If you’re one of those two, I have your addresses here and will assume they’re still good, and that you don’t care about having your book autographed, unless you tell me otherwise.

If you made a donation of less than $25 and would like to add to it to bring the total up and get a copy of the first edition, you have until Friday, December 14th.

The first edition will be limited to 400 copies. It will be the only edition for at least the next six months, and quite possibly a year or more. It’s even possible there will never be another edition, though that seems unlikely.

I’m hoping to ship it out by the end of the year, but can’t promise I’ll make it.

Latest Word…

The Vondish Ambassador goes to the printer tomorrow.

I don’t know when I’ll have finished copies in hand, but it shouldn’t be all that long.

This is the Misenchanted Press trade paperback edition, with cover art by Kiri Evans. It’s a limited edition — there will only ever be the one printing. I don’t know yet about any future mass-market edition; I’ll be talking to the publisher from Wildside on Friday, and may have news after that.

Once I have a delivery date I’ll be e-mailing all donors to (a) verify that they want a copy of this edition, (b) make sure I have a current shipping address, and (c) ask whether they want it signed.

There exists a short Ethshar story, “The God in Red,” that could accompany this edition in chapbook form, the way “Sirinita’s Dragon” accompanied The Spriggan Mirror, but frankly, producing the chapbooks is a pain in the butt, so I’m not sure whether I’ll be doing that. I’ll see how the finances look, and the time constraints.

Sorry this has taken so long. Happy holidays!