Chapter Ten is posted; I’m actually still a few dollars short, but it’s close enough.
Chapter Thirteen is written, and has been sent to donors who signed up to receive chapters as they’re written.
Chapter Fourteen is only about two paragraphs along, as yet.
In case anyone hasn’t already seen me say this, I have every intention of finishing this novel whether any more money comes in or not, but (a) money will make it go faster, and (b) there may not be a publicly-available edition if I don’t get enough to finish the serial; I may instead do it as a privately-printed limited edition exclusively for the donors. This would royally tick off the publisher at FoxAcre Press, who would really like to publish it, so keep Roger happy — send me money!
In other news, I regret to say that the mass-market paperback of The Vondish Ambassador is not happening any time in the foreseeable future; due to cash-flow problems at the distributor’s end, the Cosmos paperback line has been suspended indefinitely. I believe all the existing titles will stay available, but they aren’t adding new ones.
If that changes, I’ll let you know.
Oh, and if Realms of Light flops as a serial, this will not mean no further serials.
One donor asked me some interesting questions about the mechanics of picking up a story after a twenty-year hiatus, and I think that’s something I do want to write about, but I’m not sure when I’ll get to it, and whether it’ll be here or in one of my other blogs.
I think that’s everything.
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