Okay, I’ll be serializing The Sorcerer’s Widow soon — I don’t have an exact date, but soon — but there are a few things about it that concern me.
The main issue is that it’s going to be either the shortest Ethshar novel to date, or not quite a novel at all; it may wind up a mere novella. It’ll still be long enough for Wildside to publish it in book form, but I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking they’re getting more than they are. Domestic donors of $20 or more (not the usual $25) will receive a paper copy of the finished book; $10 will get you an e-book (available formats not yet determined, but probably epub and mobi). $25 will get both. List price for the final versions will in all likelihood be less, but you’re helping get it done.
It’s still $250 a chapter. I’m estimating twelve to fifteen chapters, though that may turn out to be way off.
I’m also thinking of making individual chapters available in ebook form, in addition to the web version — Chapter 1 would be free, and each subsequent chapter would be 99 cents. This would not be an economical way to read it, but some people might think it’s worth it for the convenience.
And… I’ve been wondering whether there’s some way to move these serials to Kickstarter. Any comments?
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