Chapter Four is now online.
I’m in the middle of writing Chapter Nine, and everything’s paid for through Chapter Eleven. (Thank you for your support!)
In case anyone was hesitant about commenting — please, feel free! I’m happy to hear from you. Be warned, though, that if you haven’t commented here before, I’ll have to approve your post; I get a lot of comment spam. It may take a few hours for me to notice and attend to it.
Once you’ve had a comment approved, though, any future comments from you will go straight through, unmoderated, though of course I can delete them later if I decide they’re somehow unacceptable. (I don’t think I’ve ever had to delete a comment.)
An unhappy note: I’ve recently discovered that overseas shipping rates have gone up, and may go up again before this novel is completed. It’s possible I’ll have to raise the $35 amount presently required to guarantee a copy of the finished book outside North America. If that happens, anyone who’s already sent $35 will still be covered; it will only affect later donors. I’ll try to give a week’s warning.
I think that’s everything for now.
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