Chapters written: Six out of an estimated twenty-five to thirty.
Chapters posted: None.
Anticipated start date: November 26th. If there are unforeseen problems, December 3rd.
Okay, I think I’m ready to start, even though I still haven’t heard back from my editor at Tor about A Young Man Without Magic. I can’t wait forever.
The Serial Universe website isn’t ready, but I don’t know whether I want to wait for that, either, and I’m hoping we can get it into shape quickly.
I’m afraid I’m going to be charging $300 per chapter this time, for several reasons — Carlisle Hsing is harder to write than Ethshar, for one, and to match what Steve Miller and Sharon Lee charge for their serials, for another. Not to mention that The Vondish Ambassador did significantly worse on post-serial money than The Spriggan Mirror did, forcing some reevaluation.
I realize this may prove fatal, though I hope it won’t.
If it slows publication down a bit, I won’t be terribly upset; a chapter a week can be a pretty challenging pace to maintain, especially around holidays or when traveling.
I’ll be putting up the “How This Works” page tonight, though the first chapter won’t be posted until next week.
$300 a chapter for a sequel to a modest selling book published twenty years ago? I don’t know about that. Call me a skeptic. Anyway, only time will tell.
Yeah, it may be too much. We’ll see.
Time will tell. It’s not that big of a jump from what you charged for “The Vondish Ambassator.” I think it is doeable.
Chapter 1 has a “Error processing SSI file” at ankle height.
Crap. I didn’t mean to have uploaded that file yet; it’s not done.
Okay, that’s fixed, but there’s still something wrong with the CSS.
There. Got it.
Now, how’d that get uploaded in the first place? It wasn’t supposed to be posted until tomorrow.
One of the characters hacked the fourth wall from the inside?
More likely I clicked on the file by mistake while I was uploading something else, but you never know.