Progress report:
Last time looked at: 2/20/17
Last actual wordage added: 2/20/17
Pages added, 2/19-20/17: 12
Current page count: 511
Estimated final page count: 520-550?
Deadline: None, but Wildside says they’ll send me a contract any day now.
Comments: Well, that was interesting.
I woke up Monday morning with the clear realization that I hadn’t ended the novel correctly, and that there needed to be another chapter from Morvash’s point of view at the end. At least one.
So I wrote Chapter Forty-Five, eleven pages long, tying up a bunch of loose ends and giving Morvash some closure. I also added half a page to the epilogue, tying up even more loose ends, and a few bits elsewhere.
I now realize I may need to add other stuff, possibly including more chapters from Darissa’s or Hakin’s POV. (I think I have Morvash covered.) These wouldn’t go at the end; they would be inserted at appropriate points.
I fiddled with the chronology more, and am happy with how I have it now. Finally.
I’m still not quite up to The Unwelcome Warlock‘s 127K word-count, but it’s getting close.
Word-count is now 125,273