Progress report:
Last time looked at: 3/12/17
Last actual wordage added: 3/12/17
Pages added, 3/12/17: 5
Current page count: 543
Estimated final page count: 545-575?
Deadline: None, but Wildside and my agent are thrashing out contract details.
Comments: Finished Chapter Thirty-Three, which wound up full-length, and revised Chapter Thirty-Four. I’ll be inserting one more new chapter, Chapter Thirty-Nine, but right now I don’t know what will be in it, I just know I need it to fit the structure and pacing.
Still haven’t dealt with Evreth’s fate, or the ladders being removed. The soapstone cat still needs that one more mention. I should still double-check the state of Zerra’s bloodstone.
Word-count is 133,837