Progress Report: Tom Derringer & the Steam-Powered Saurians
Last time looked at: 11/3/17
Last actual wordage added: 11/3/17
Pages added, 11/3/17: 5, but it’s complicated.
Current page count: 80
Estimated final page count: 250
Current word count: 20,119
Deadline: None. Will be self-published.
Comments: I skipped a couple of reports again. Since my last post here I realized I was getting off-track, threw out ten pages, and worked my way forward again. I was on page 80, then back on page 70, reworked some of the cut material and added a little new stuff to get to page 75, and then tonight I wrote five new pages.
Tom and his companions have encountered something mysterious, and been spotted by an as-yet-unidentified person.