Progress report: Tom Derringer & the Steam-Powered Saurians
Last time looked at: 8/31/18
Last actual wordage added: 8/31/18
Pages added, 8/31/18: 1
Current page count: 81
Estimated final page count: 250
Current word count: 20,417
Deadline: None. Will be self-published.
Comments: Oh boy. My last report on this one was on New Year’s Eve?
The astute observer (should one exist here) will notice that this got 13 pages/3,000 words shorter. That happened several months ago, actually; I decided the plot had taken a wrong turn and backed up to fix it. Almost immediately thereafter I got busy getting our house ready to sell, and I haven’t gotten any writing done on this since. (I did write two short stories, but no novel writing.) That was partly because I knew my old path was wrong, but didn’t necessarily know the right one.
Well, the house has been on the market about six weeks now (and I wish someone would buy it already) and I’m pretty much caught up on other stuff, so I decided it was time to get back to this, and I think I know where the story goes next, so here we are.