4 thoughts on “The Unwelcome Warlock: Progress Report Forty-Nine

  1. I am equally pleased to have bought the ebook edition two days ago from Amazon.co.uk – it is now safely esconced in the Kindle app on my iPad.

    I read most of the story while it was going up as the online serial, but due t a dying computer I missed the last chapter or two – by the time I was functional again, it had already been removed. I’m excited to finally finish reading it!

    Many thanks, sir.


  2. You’re very welcome.

    I’m told that the paper edition is ready to ship; I’ll be getting my order in tomorrow, if all goes well.

  3. Glad it got there.

    Roughly two-thirds of the books have been mailed out; I was going to make an announcement when all of them were. (I ran out of padded envelopes and had to re-stock.)

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