From a newsgroup post dated April 22, 2009, but still basically correct:
Progress report:
Last time looked at: 4/21/09
Last actual wordage added: 4/21/09
Pages added 4/21/09: 1
Current page count: 2
Estimated final page count: Probably about 400. Maybe more.
Deadline: None yet, but Tor has the proposal. No, they don’t. At least, not officially, thought they may have hung onto it.
Comments: Have I mentioned this one yet? I’m pretty sure I have.
This is a novel that follows a bunch of the secondary characters from Above His Proper Station after the protagonist departs the vicinity. The hero of this one is Argandos Galibier, though the title doesn’t necessarily refer to him.
He disappeared from Above His Proper Station in Chapter Nine, and A Hero of the People picks up during Chapter Ten, but following Argandos instead of Anrel.
Having sent Tor the proposal, I figured I should probably go ahead and write the opening.
But alas, it went no further, because Tor turned it down, as my editor, Brian Thomsen, had died suddenly and his successor wasn’t interested in the series. I do hope to write it someday.